Downtown Vibrancy Project

The Downtown Vibrancy Project, led by the Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA), was established in 2018, in partnership with GreenUP. The project aims to improve our downtown outdoor spaces to benefit our community and downtown district, here in Peterborough, Ontario. This is a collaborative project that involves many local partners and community members, including the City of Peterborough. 

The goal of the project is to revitalize one site in Peterborough’s Downtown core every year. The project themes were generated by community input. These guiding themes are: 

  • People
  • Public space
  • Landscapes
  • Public art
  • Streetscape
  • Transportation
  • Sustainability

The project locates, designs, and implements revitalization projects in downtown Peterborough based on community desires and input. The Downtown Vibrancy Project strives to improve ecological resiliency, economic stability, community safety and cultural diversity.

While keeping our guiding themes is mind we aim to:

  • Create healthy spaces that provide natural spaces within the city that increases natural water filtration capacity and supports native species. 
  • Support Downtown Businesses by creating a more livable downtown. 
  • Encourage cultural hotspots by creating diverse public space and lively landscapes for the local community and visitors to use and enjoy. 
  • Create Connective natural spaces. Continuous green pathways incorporate nature into the daily commute. Nature corridors support eco-resilience, allowing animals and pollinators to reside and move through our cityscape.   


  • OBIAA Large Scale Streetscape Project Award, Downtown Vibrancy Project, DBIA, 2018
  • Sustainable Peterborough, Land Use Planning Award, Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA), GreenUP, Mortlock Construction, Lett Architects, The City of Peterborough, Three Sisters, 2018
