The Charlotte Street Project

The Charlotte Street Project includes its intersection with Park Street and stretches east to Water Street. There are two distinct zones to the street’s design described as follows:

The section of Charlotte Street, between Aylmer Street and George Street has been designed as a “Flexible Street”, where on-street parking may be accommodated within the winter months. However, during the warm weather seasons, bollards and other street furnishings can be moved to the outer limit of the on-street parking zones to effectively widen the sidewalk, which will allow for sidewalk cafes similar in ways to the Hunter Street Cafe District design.

This section of Charlotte Street is seen as an extension of the Urban Park. It is a zone where the pedestrian travel is the priority. The idea is to have the design for the Urban Park seamlessly integrate with the design of Charlotte Street in that block.

The current plan is to close Charlotte Street to vehicular traffic on occasion, from Aylmer Street to George Street. This will enable people to come and go as they please without conflict with vehicles while community events are held in the Urban Park and on this section of Charlotte Street. Charlotte Street would not be paved with asphalt between Aylmer and George Street, but will be paved with an alternative material to be compatible with the Urban Park and have pedestrian-friendly character.

The section of Charlotte Street between Aylmer Street and Park Street is essentially a streetscape improvement project, where overhead utilities will be rationalized and re-installed underground. Street trees, new paving, new streetlights and furnishings are part of the plan, including the incorporation of bicycle lanes on both sides of the street.

The City currently has budgeted for the detailed design and preparation of tender documents for Charlotte Street. However, we still need to budget for its construction. It is anticipated that the first construction phase of Charlotte Street will take place from Aylmer Street to Water Street and will follow closely behind the completion of the Urban Park.

Public consultation
We have heard from members of the community including residents, merchants, land owners and interested stakeholders through a Public Information Centre as well as meetings with stakeholders and special interest groups.
More input is welcome. Please share your comments with Brian Buchardt, Planner – Urban Design, at 705-742-7777 ext. 1734 or by email.
