Ptbo Mac + Cheese Fest
The Peterborough Mac + Cheese Fest was designed to celebrate the Boro’s vibrant restaurant scene and reaffirm downtown Peterborough as a leading culinary destination in the region. This month-long engagement initiative encourages downtown patronage, community pride, and friendly competition amoung DBIA members.
Ptbo Mac + Cheese Fest was the first program of its kind to be delivered during the pandemic- leveraging online visual storytelling to drive physical visitation back into the downtown core.
In 2022, The Peterborough Mac + Cheese Festival won an award for Special Events and Promotions by the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association
Restaurant Feedback
- 100% of restaurants stated they would participate again
- 100% of restaurants felt the event was well organized
- 91% felt they received a good amount of promotional support
- 83.3% of felt that participating in Peterborough Mac + Cheese Fest was a valuable experience
- 50% of participating restaurants reported an increase in sales
- Several restaurants (57%) believed they were able to reach new customers through their Festival participation
Food service businesses are welcome to join the annual competition.